Hi to everyone,
Time is slowly drawing to a close. I can't believe how much I have managed to fit into such a short period. Spent yesterday nursing a gurgly tummy. Nothing that kept me from doing things, but I just felt out of sorts and ate very little.
Global Jay had a small farewell assembly for me where they presented me with the most beautiful Indonesian batik. I read Wombat Stew to the children with the help of a few year 6's using the puppets. Chris McNamara would have been proud! The students just loved it and were chanting the rhyme by the end of the story. They really are the most gorgeuos bunch of children. Each morning I am greeted with "selamat pagi Ibu Jane", "good morning Ibu Jane". As with children all over the world, they love learning, they love their friends, they love their teachers(!), they love chatting, they love games and they love new challenges. I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of their school lives. We all agree here that one week is much too short!
Preparation for SLC were well underway yesterday with staff working at a frantic pace to complete corrections, put up displays and tidy rooms. It reminded me of Open Night!
Went to a night market with Ibu Mida, Ibu Juni and Ibu Dewi, David and Carmel. It was actually a collection of stalls set up between the shops inside a huge shopping centre. There were cars and people everywhere with plenty of things to see and buy. Not feeling the greatest, I was a little overwhelmed by the options available to me and didn't see anything that jumped out saying "Buy me, buy me!" Consequently, my wallet stayed in my pocket. My Indonsesian friends chose Italian for dinner and shared a pizza and garlic bread. I drank iced tea.
SLC's are now well on the way and the children are all engrossed in sharing their learning with their parents. The atmoshphere in and around the rooms is one of total focus and commitment to the purpose of being there. It's a sheer delight to observe!
Will be sitting down with Ibu Mida and Ibu Kathryn this afternoon to go through their documentation, gathering ideas that will be useful to us at StLeonard's. A quiet night at home is planned for this evening. Well at this stage anyway! So long for now.