Monday, November 14, 2005

Here at Last

After spending 7 hours on the plane and 1 hour delay in the middle of the night in Denpasar, finally we arrived in Melbourne. When we went out of the airport , we were welcomed by the cold breeze. We felt very happy when we saw Chris and Liz had been waiting for us. Then we went straight away to Liz's house. On the way to Liz 's we found so many differences such as the city is clean, there are many beautiful old houses as well as many bikers; one of the good ways to reduce pollution. In addition the houses in the city are tighter than houses in the suburbs. But the huge difference we found here is the day time is longer than night time, and there is no traffic jam. When we arrived at Liz's, Allison, Joni's host , had waited for us. We also met Larry, Liz's husband and her three daughters. Larry allowed us to take pictures on his 900cc Kawasaki motor cycle. After having tea and snacks , Joni and Allison went home, but they planned to do some shopping first. I felt so tired because I slept only 2 hours on the plane. But I also felt happy because finally I'm here...... in Melbourne.

Setelah menghabiskan waktu selama 7 jam di pesawat ditambah dengan 1 jam penundaan keberangkatan di Denpasar, akhirnya kami sampai di Melbourne. Ketika kami keluar dari Bandara, kami sudah disambut oleh udara dingin yang menggigit. kami merasa sangat lega ketika melihat Chris dan Liz sudah menunggu kami. Kemudian kami langsung berangkat ke rumah Liz. Dalam perjalanan ke rumah Liz kami banyak menemukan beberapa perbedaan seperti kota yang bersih , banyak rumah tua yang indah di sepanjang jalan dan banyak pengendara sepeda, salah satu cara yang baik untuk mengurangi polusi. Selain itu rumah- rumah di kota terlihat lebih rapat daripada rumah yang ada di pinggir kota. Tapi perbedaan yang sangat mencolok adalah di sini tidak ada kemacetan dan waktu siang lebih lama daripada malam. Bayangkan saja disini jam 7 masih sangat terang. Sesampainya di rumah Liz, Allison , tuan rumah dimana Joni akan tinggal, sudah menunggu. Kami juga bertemu dengan suami dan anak-anak Liz. Larry, suami Liz. mengizinkan kami berpose dengan motor kesayangannya. Setelah minum teh dan makan sedikit kudapan kamipun berpisah. Joni pergi ke rumah allison, namun sebelum ke sana mereka berencana untuk berbelanja terlebih dahulu. Sedangkan saya tinggal di rumah Liz. Pada sore harinya kami keluar berbelanja dan melihat-lihat tempat di lingkungan Liz tinggal. Saya merasa sangat lelah karena di dalam pesawat saya hanya tidur selama 2 jam . Namun saya juga merasa sangat senang karena pada akhirnya Joni dan saya sampai juga di Melbourne .

Juninarita and Joni Muchsin

Sekolah Global Jaya



At Monday, November 14, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ibu Jan here
What an exciting experience for everyone involved.
'Don't you forget to come back now!'

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today the year 12 VCE students will hold their graduation here at school in the gym. After the formal event they, with their families, will have high tea. No doubt this will be well catered for. The informal dinner and other events are yet to come.
Had a huge flood in Bintaro last Sunday. Ramin (my driver) kept driving in 60 cm. of water. I thought the canal was going to over flow. Greetings from Kathryn

At Tuesday, November 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Halo pak Joni
Pak Joni hebat sekali naik motor Pak Joni motornya merek apa? Pak joni berenang di kolam renangnya atau tidak? Pak Joni tinggal dimana? Bila Joni tinggal di hotel nama hotelnya apa? Pak Joni kapan Pak Joni akan pulang? Pak Joni lihat binatang apa saja? Pak Joni kasih lihat photo - photonya nanti kalau sudah pulang? Bapak nanti bawa makanan apa dari Australia? Bapak bagi barang barangnya pada aku (PH).

by: PH/Philippe 6J
To: Pak Joni

At Tuesday, November 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Halo Pak Joni! bagus sekali motor yang dinaiki Pak Joni. Pak Joni lain kali kalau ke australia lagi ajak kelas 6 J ya!
Pak Joni tinggal di hotel ya?
kalau iya beritahu ya apa nama hotelnya. Lebih luas mana sekolah yang ada di sana atau Sekolah Global Jaya? Kapan kembali ke jakarta??? Kalau sudah mengajar di 6J lg ceritakan ya bagaimana perjalanan Pak Joni! Sudah dulu ya Pak Joni. Semoga sehat-sehat aja di sana.

By: Maxie 6J

At Tuesday, November 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Halo Pak Joni! bagus sekali motor yang dinaiki Pak Joni. Pak Joni lain kali kalau ke australia lagi ajak kelas 6 J ya!
Pak Joni tinggal di hotel ya?
kalau iya beritahu ya apa nama hotelnya. Lebih luas mana sekolah yang ada di sana atau Sekolah Global Jaya? Kapan kembali ke jakarta??? Kalau sudah mengajar di 6J lg ceritakan ya bagaimana perjalanan Pak Joni! Sudah dulu ya Pak Joni. Semoga sehat-sehat aja di sana.

By: Maxie 6J

At Tuesday, November 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Halo Pak Joni! bagus sekali motor yang dinaiki Pak Joni. Pak Joni lain kali kalau ke australia lagi ajak kelas 6 J ya!
Pak Joni tinggal di hotel ya?
kalau iya beritahu ya apa nama hotelnya. Lebih luas mana sekolah yang ada di sana atau Sekolah Global Jaya? Kapan kembali ke jakarta??? Kalau sudah mengajar di 6J lg ceritakan ya bagaimana perjalanan Pak Joni! Sudah dulu ya Pak Joni. Semoga sehat-sehat aja di sana.

By: Maxie 6J

At Tuesday, November 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Halo Pak Joni! Bapak tidak cocok berpose naik Motor Canggih. Lebih Baik kalau Bapak berpose naik Mobil. Bapak Sekolah Disana lebih bagus dari Global ya. Bapak Semoga Baik baik saja.


At Tuesday, November 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Toex Joni and Juni

Nak, simpanlah rasa kangenmu. Aku yakin di sini kita semua menantimu. Bergembiralah, dengan membayangkan teman-temanmu di Global Jakarta, terutama Endang yang cuannntik and baek hati ini. Tux, rasa kangen nich ada pantun untukmu.If it's possible, let Students & Teachers in ST. Leonard School know about this special pantun:

Bila ada lagu merdu sekali
Ibuku akan semangat, menari bahkan berdendang.
Bila kamu rindu sekali
Aku tahu itu bukan karena Ahmad atau Fani, tapi karena Endang

Jangan cerita pantun ini bila kembali ke Jkt. Bila gembiramu terus berlanjut hubungi segera dokter specialist terdekat.

At Thursday, January 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Joni and Juni ini Ibu Tina
Baru kali ini bisa buka websitenya Global yang tambah keren. It's nice to see you even just trough the web. Siapa-siapa aja yang masih ngajar di Global.
Salam utk semua.
Ibu Tina
(yg pernah ngajar di klas1 sd global)

At Monday, May 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ibu Anne,
It is nice to hear from you and your students again. The students you communicated with in 2005 started year 5 in January this year. They will be pleased to hear from you.
Hi Yati,
It is not snowing but is very cold, only 5C tonight. Ibu Juni would not like it! It will start to snow on our mountains in the next few weeks which means we can go skiing which is fun. Have fun in the USA!
Happy holidays to you all,
Ibu Liz.

At Tuesday, May 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a special hello to Juni & Jonni from Jane will get children to answer question later. just touching bases

At Thursday, June 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Iwan, this is Jordan. I do play soccer and i play in the under 12s for Hampton and we have won 1 match so far. I hope you enjoy your holidays . cheers Jordan

At Thursday, June 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Joshua its Jared...
Yes I do have a favourite game, it is runescape it is an internet game. You have to try to survive in the wild. Rainforest shoot up sounds great.

At Monday, June 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Ibu Tina

Bagaimana kabarnya? Disini masih ada beberapa guru lama seperti P. Tuharto, B. Reno, B. Ietje, B. Elly, Vero tapi banyak juga sih yang sudah tidak mengajar di sini .


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Nubians, likethe local tribes gene pool shed checked tended to be either skeletaland breastless or LARGE. She led the way hoping the kids would be so engrossed they wouldntnotice, but they noticed when John put his hand on her ass and kept itthere, squeezing like he owned it and lifting the back of her skirt past theskewed panties before they passed from view.


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