Day 1 A Taste of Indonesia in Melbourne
What a school! I went to the school at 7:45. When I got there I was introduced to the junior primary staff. They are very friendly and like to make a joke all the time. They have briefing three mornings a week. Then I spent my time joining the ELC class on their excursion to CERES environmental park. This excursion is to further students understanding about recycling . At the same time they also visited a replica of an Indonesian Village as they kept asking lot of questions after Liz visited our school. The excursion was interesting. The children dressed up with Indonesian tradional clothes such as sarong, kebaya and 'peci'. They also played 'dakon (congklak)' , kuda lumping and had the experience of becak riding. Further more, they went along the Merri creek to see the effect of litter on the environment. They were inquirers and thinkers by asking lots of questions about it and suggesting some solutions. Some of the children were very enthusiastic to use compost toilets. After coming back from the excursion, I joined the junior school assembly. I was introduced to prep (reception) up to year 4 students during the assembly. It is very interesting to see children attempt to be risk-takers showing their talents. Afterwards I have a brief discussion about PYP program in our school with Chris McNamara, St. Leonards PYP coordinator, then I joined the year3 and 4 planning meeting. The meeting was attended by year level teachers and specialist. They reviewed their programs as we always do in our school. The meeting was conducted seriously at the beginning and ended up with jokes, as I have said before they loved making jokes.
Saya berangkat ke sekolah pukul 7:45. Ketika saya tiba di sana saya diperkenalkan dengan guru-guru sekolah dasar dari tingkat Tk sampai dengan kelas 4. Mereka sangat ramah dan suka bercanda. Mereka selalu mengadakan rapat 3 kali seminggu. Kemudian saya bergabung dengan murid-murid TK. Hari ini mereka mengadakan wisata belajar ke CERES. CERES adalah sebuah tempat dimana kita dapat belajar mengenai lingkungan. Adapun tujuan wisata mereka ke sana adalah untuk memperdalam pemahaman mereka mengenai daur ulang. Pada saat yang bersamaan mereka juga belajar mengenal Indonesia dengan mengunjungi replika kampung Indonesia. Hal ini sangat menarik. Mereka mengenakan kostum tradisional Indonesia seperti sarung, kebaya dan peci. Mereka juka bermain dakon (congklak) , kuda lumping dan naik becak. Selain itu mereka juga menyusuri kali Merri untuk mengamati efek sampah terhadap lingkungan. mereka inkuiri (sangat ingin tahu) dan pemikir dengan banyak bertanya mengenai hal ini dan memberikan beberapa jalan keluar mengenai hal ini. Beberapa anak sangat antusias untuk menggunakan WC kompos. Menarik kan? Setelah kembali dari wisata belajar saya mengikuti acara 'assembly' untuk kelas 1 sampai dengan kelas 4. Pada acara tersebut saya diperkenalkan dengan murid tersebut dan sedikit memberikan kata sambutan kepada mereka. Setelah itu saya berdiskusi singkat mengenai program-program yang ada di sekolah kita dengan Chris McNamara, koordinator PYP sekolah St. Leonards. Kemudian saya mengikuti rapat perencanaan pembelajaran kelas 3 dan kelas 4. Rapat ini dihadiri oleh guru kelas dan guru spesialis. Pada awalnya rapat ini serius namun diakhiri dengan bercanda, seperti yang sudah saya bahas di atas yaitu mereka suka bercanda.
Dear Year2 J,
We are very lucky to have Ibu Juni with us in Australia. I hope you are not missing her too much. Our year one students were very excited to hear that your current unit is focusing on minibeasts as that is what they are looking at also. Your central idea is quite different, but they are planning to ask some questions about minibeasts in Indonesia.
I promise we will look after Ibu Juni
Hi Jun and Jon,
Yesterday, on the combined staff meeting we discussed about international education. I think trough this exchange program you can become the good resource person about internationalism. I hope you enjoy the moment reside in a state becoming melting pot for many culture and habit. We impatient to read you’re posting hereinafter. I wish you have a wonderful experience there. I know that will happen because I can see from your big smile in the photographs.
Ibu Liz, we know that you take care of them.
IT Teacher Primary
Dear Juni,
Please say Hi to all the Year 4's at St. Leonard's. We liked the photo of the classroom. it is good to see all the Year 4's and can you tell us what else you can eat at the canteen... You are 4 hours ahead in time so we will write again in the morning!
Have fun,
from all the Year 4 team.
Apa kabar Ibu juni pak joni apa keadaan anak-anak disana?disitu dingin tidak di jakarta hujan terus apa kelas dan kantin mereka seperti sekolah kita juga tidak?apa sekolah disana lebih besar dari sekolah kita cukup ya pertanyanku baik-baik saja ya...
Aiman4H student
Halo Pak Joni saya Eugenie dari 6Y apa kabar?? saya bisa lihat sepertinya disana(Aus) enak sekali.. apakah anak2nya seperti kami?? atau mereka sangat berbeda? betulkah mereka digabung antara year 5 dan year 6 kalau seperti itu sekolahnya enak sekali. hai Ibu juni apa kabar apakah disana cuacanya enak?? bu kapan ibu balik ke Jakarta?? Sepertinya disana sejuk sekali...baiklah itu saja dari saya selamat bersenang-senang Bye-Bye
hiya pak joni!! wow your trip sounds really fun and i just wanna know did u really ride the motorcycle or you just sit and took a picture?? and did my test have a good mark because ibu Rina won't tell me.
Can you guess who write this by now???
When you are gone ibu Rina let us have lots of free time and we can do our project every UOI or TBI. YEAY!!! .well by the way can the kids there really can speak indonesia??, well thats weird. What did u eat in there? was it good?? speaking of food i am soooooooo hungry and i really wanna go to break now bye-bye
from:drum roll please...*drum roll*
Claudia in your own class <6J>
P.S i hope you have a good stay in there.........
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