Day 2 -What a small world!
What a cold day! I started my morning attending Year 4L class. I found internationalism occur in this class. The students's ancestors come from different places in the world such as Germany, England, Russia, Australia, India and Switzerland. The students were communicators when they talked about items brought from home and were reflective when they shared what they have learned in the last 24 hours. I was introduced again to the class and the students were risk- takers using Indonesian when introducing themselves.
After recess I had a tour with Chris to The middle school section, year 5 up to year 10, to browse other facilities in the the school. The school has very good facilities to support their PE program. Some of them are the indoor swimming pool, indoor basket ball court and aerobics and gym equipment area.
Then I visited year 5 and 6. The corridor I passed was full of interesting displays. I met jerry who used to teach in North Jakarta International School. It was nice for me to talk to someone from home and he says 'Hi' to Ibu Hety.
After touring around the school, we discussed the reporting system. This topic really intrigued me to be more of an inquirer about how the teachers report the students progress. I found out that the teachers wrote detailed comments for every unit of inquiry. It's a hard work, isn't it? The school has conducted their first student-led conference.
During lunch time, I tried to be a risk-taker by having lunch from the school canteen for the first time. One of the teachers, Steph, chose the menu for me which was a wrap; roast beef, chutney and tomato. It's one of the specials for today. I wondered what it looked like and how it tasted. Do you know................. It's like Kebab, Abra or Donner that we can find in Jakarta. Different places, different names for the same thing!
Guess what...... after lunch break the students needed to do SQUIRT (Sustained Quiet Uninterrupted Reading Time). It is the same as we do in our school, but we use different name for this program, USSR. See different places,different names for the same thing! I am still spending my time with Year 4K. The students were enthusiastic when using thinker keys.
Last but not least I joined Prep orientation day. It is very interesting to see the Elc class practice moving from their class to prep class. They were creative when decorating their star with feather and paper cup.
Wah dingin sekali hari ini! Saya memulai hari saya dengan mengikuti kegiatan kelas 4L. Kelas ini bisa dikatakan kelas yang internasional. Beberapa siswa dari kelas ini berasal dari berbagai negara misalnya jerman, Inggris, Rusia, Australia, India dan Swiss. Mereka juga komunikator ketika mereka bercerita mengenai benda yang mereka bawa dari rumah dan bersikap reflektif ketika mereka bercerita dengan temannya mengenai hal yang telah mereka pelajari selama 24 jam terakhir. Saya juga diperkenalkan kembali dengan siswa kelas 4 dan mereka mengambil resiko untuk menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia ketika memperkenalkan diri.
Setelah jam istirahat saya diajak berkeliling ke 'middle school' , dari kelas 5 sampai kelas 10, oleh Chris untuk melihat fasilitas yang lain yang ada di sekolah ini. Sekolah ini mempunyai fasilitas yang bagus untuk mendukung program pendidikan jasmani dan kesehatan mereka. beberapa fasilitas yang ada adalah kolam renang dalam ruangan, lapangan basket dalam ruangan dan tempat aerobik yang dilengkapi dengan peralatan. Kemudian saya mengunjungi kelas 5 dan 6. Koridor yang saya lewati dipenuhi dengan display yang menarik. Di sini saya juga bertemu Pak Gary. Dia bercerita bahwa dia pernah mengajar di NJIS. Lalu kamipun bercerita tentang Jakarta. Wah, saya benar-benar senang karena merasa seperti ketemu teman sekampung. Dia juga menitip salam untuk Ibu Hety. Katanya dulu dia teman Ibu Hety ketika sama-sama mengajar di NJIS.
Setelah berkeliling sekolah saya berdiskusi dengan Chris mengenai sistem pelaporan. Topik ini benar-benar menggelitik saya untuk mengetahui lebih dalam bagaimana guru-guru di sini melaporkan perkembangan belajar murid-murid mereka. Ternyata mereka menggunakan laporan yang berisikan komentar yang detil untuk setiap unit yang sudah mereka pelajari. Wah pasti mereka banyak sekali kerjanya ya? Mereka baru saja mengadakan "student-led conference' untuk yang pertama kalinya.
Pada saat makan siang saya berusaha untuk menjadi pengambil resiko dengan memesan makanan yang ada di kantin untuk pertama kalinya. Salah seorang guru di sini , namanya Steph, memilihkan menu untuk saya yaitu 'a wrap'; roast beef, chutney and tomato'. Ini adalah salah satu menu yang spesial untuk hari ini. Saya bertanya dalam hati seperti apa bentuk dan rasanya. Setelah makanannya datang ternyata....................... itu adalah kebab yang sering saya makan di Jakarta. Wah, ternyata beda tempat, beda nama, tapi ya bendanya sama saja.
Tahu tidak........ Setelah istirahat makan siang murid-murid di sini juga melakukan 'silent reading'. Di sini mereka memakai istilah SQUIRT, sedangkan di Sekolah Global Jaya kita menggunakan istilah USSR. Ya .... seperti yang saya sudah disebutkan di atas beda tempat ..ya beda nama. Saya masih mengikuti kegiatan di kelas 4, namun kali ini di kelas 4K. murid- murid di sini terlihat antusias ketika mereka belajar dengan menggunakan'thinker keys'. Saya mengakhiri hari saya di sekolah dengan mengikuti kegiatan orientasi murid-murid ELC di kelas Prep. Menarik sekali ketika melihat mereka berlatih bagaimana pindah dari kelas ELC ke kelas Prep. Mereka juga kreatif ketika mendekorasi bintang dengan bulu dan mangkuk kertas.
Sekolah Global Jaya
Hello Ibu Juni and Pak Joni,
How many students in the school?
This morning we read a traditional Indonesian story called, 'The Buffalo's Victory' and yesterday we read 'Chicken Little'. Do you have that movie in Melbourne? We are making cartoon picture stories, jumbled stories with all different characters and play scripts with puppets for our UOI. We are learning all about how different cultures express their feelings through art, drama and music.
When do you go to camp Pak Joni? Take lots of photos for us to see when you get back.
Good-bye for now,
from all your Year 4 friends at SGJ
Hi there Joni and Juni and all St. Leonards staff,
Wow sure looks like Pak Joni and Ibu Juni are having loads of fun!
What is the concept of the present Year 4 UOI? We asked our students to look at the Central Idea and talk in groups to find out which concepts 'jump put' at them..funnily enough they picked the same as their teachers but chose another one that we hadn;t even thought of. ..which was realyl helpful feedback. Do you do a similar activity with your students??
Have fun on camp Joni and Juni and be careful of the 'drop bears' !! He he
PYP Coordinator
Sekolah Global Jaya
Hello to Year 4L,
We just received your friendly letters and loved reading them! It was so exciting! We think your handwriting is very good. We wanted to answer your questions to say YES, there are many fast food restaurants here in Indonesia. KFC, Maccas, Pizza Hut...too many! We were amazed at the connections, the similarities like TV shows, computer games and movies...we will write back soon...
Kind regards, Anne Gallagher and all your friends here in Year 4 at Sekolah Global Jaya
Hi to everyone at Sekolah Global Jaya. It is fantastic to have Ibu Juni and Pak Joni here in Australia. I know they were feeling like I was before my exchange; excited, but a little nervous about the big adventure. I had such a wonderful time in Jakarta, staying with Ibu Anne and being so well looked after by all the staff and students at SGJ. It has been fun showing Ibu Juni around our school and part of Melbourne. She has noticed many differences here and is feeling the cold. Juni is a real risk taker and is trying different things: the food and she even went camping with the year fours this week, sleeping in a sleeping bag!
Ibu Juni came with us on our ELC excursion on Monday to an environmental park and a replica Indonesian village in Melbourne. How wonderful to have an Indonesian person with us to help us understand more about your culture. On the bus going back to school Thomas (aged 5) asked me- Did we really go to Indonesia today?
Liz Bawden
ELC Educator.
St Leonard's College
Hello to Ibu Juni and Pak Joni and all the Year 4 students...I think you guys are on camp, so you probably won't get this blog message. What are your top ten favorite camp activities? Did anyone get homesick? We have been busy writing letters back to you guys today and we have displayed your letters in our shared-area for everyone to see.
Hi to Ibu Liz, We enjoyed reading your blog page too...
Good bye for now,
Anne Gallagher
and all the year 4 team!
Hi Ibu Anne,
I've just arrived from the year 4 camp. The camp was very exciting. We saw penguins parade. We missed our family, school , every body in Jakarta. Now, The activities are giant swing, flying fox, concert and archery. Joni tried the giant swing and flying fox and myself..............tried to act as Srikandhi or Robin Hood. I will attach the pictures on the blog later.
Dear Ibu Liz and Pak Chris,
Last Friday we held the PYP Network meeting at SGJ with over 100 PYP'ers attending.
PYP Coordinators from all over Indonesia attended the meeting and brough 3-4 teachers from their school too. During the morning presentation we showed Liz's short dvd on her exchange to SGJ. IT WAS PERFECT and the audience loved the questions that St Leonards children asked....
Thanks again for spending the time in making the video! Make sure Juni and Joni take lots of little video clips on their digital cameras so we can make a video when they come back!
Hope you have had a restful weekend!
Hi Pak Joni! You must be lucky to be picked to be as a exchange teacher! I like their indoor swimming pool! Is it winter or Autumn right now? Can you ask my penpal Claire in year 4, and say that I said HI! Is Melbourne's view good? I really wanted to go to St.Leonards to see their school!They have fitness machine their so cool! What do they learn in year 4? I think that is enough. see you later in school.
Natya 4H
Hi Pak Joni And Ibu Juni.Thats A lot of great things thats happening in there.You are so lucky to go is it in there?. I like the swimming pool and the caffetaria in there. Do you know my penpal in year 4 name Emily. Is the classes bigger than global jaya's?.I wanted to go there if i could and i want to see the school. Is the school realy diferent from global jaya. I see that they have a fitness machine. Its really cool! Well i think that it! bye for now.
Ula 4H
hahahah! what a nice trip.., bu Juni beruntung sekali, bisa berkunjung ke sekolah, yang mempunyai fasilitas yang lumayan oke!
i hope i can go there.. and see what did the students do in there!
Sepertinya enak sekali ya kolam renang disana!! panjang dan sepertinya dingin.
Sepertinya kantin nya juga memiliki makanan dan minuman yang enak-enak,
kepengen yaa melihat teman-teman baru dari luar negeri..
apakah disana mereka punya peraturan yang jauh lebih ketat dari sekolah Global ini? atau mereka lebih bebas dari peraturan yang ketat..
+-vania year 6Y-+
Hi IBU JUNI & pak Joni how are you .I WISH nothing happen to you.Did you found something special from there.
If yes send me a message or messages to my email at
Thank'z Abel
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