Monday, November 21, 2005

Day 6 Being communicators

The weather was very good, warm and bright. The teachers were ready for their monday meeting. Some of them were very excited about their new posting for next year. All of the teachers seemed busy preparing students reports because the school year is nearly finished. The school year starts in January and ends in December. I visited year 1 today. Their unit was about little creatures, that is the same as what my students are learning in year 2 in Jakarta. What a coincidence! Every Monday the students write journals. They wrote about what they did during weekend. The students were very enthusiastic. I found that here parents also help the teachers in the morning, especially when the students learn literacy. It resambles our reading program when parents, especially moms, come to school to support our reading program. It was another similarity, wasn't it? I also observed maths lesson or numeracy in here. The students were communicators when explaining shapes they had. It was exciting to see how the students engaged in it. At 14:10 I joined the assembly. During assembly I shared information about my school with the students by showing them the slides which Joni and I had prepared. The students were enthused by raising their hand to ask me questions. Because the time was limited I chosed 3 students to ask questions. The students also sang 3 famous australian songs to entertain me. I was touched. After the assembly finished I went to the Cornish campus, 30kms away, to do the same thing. I was excited to do this. I did the presentation together with Joni at the teachers meeting. When I arrived there I was amazed with the campus. It seemed unique and interesting. It was different from Brighton campus. It was like in a farm. I could see sheep, chickens and paddocks. The school building was cozy, like at home. One thing that made this more interesting was the class. The year 3 and 4 class were in the same room without a room divider. It was the same in year 5 and 6.

Cuaca hari ini sangat bagus, cerah dan hangat. Para guru sudah siap untuk mengikuti rapat Senin pagi mereka. Beberapa guru juga kelihatan senang ketika kepala sekolah mengumumkan kelas yang akan mereka ajar tahun depan. Semua guru terlihat sibuk mempersiapkan raport para murid karena tahun ajaran akan segera berakhir. Di sini tahun ajaran sekolah dimulai pada bulan Januari dan berakhir pada bulan Desember. Hari ini saya mengunjungi kelas 1. Unit inkuiri mereka sama dengan unit yang sedang dipelajari oleh murid-murid kelas 2 di Sekolah Global Jaya yaitu hewan-hewan kecil. Wah suatu kebetulan sekali! Kegiatan hari ini dimulai dengan menulis jurnal mengenai kegiatan yang dilakukan mereka pada akhir pekan. Kegiatan ini dilakukan setiap hari Senin. Di sini saya melihat orang tua juga membantu guru di sekolah terutama dalam kecakapan menulis dan membaca. Mereka menentukan jadwal kapan mereka dapat membantu. Hal ini juga sama seperti yang terjadi di SGJ yaitu orang tua terlibat dalam program membaca. Wah ternyata ada kesamaan lagi! Saya mengamati kegiatan matematika . Murid-murid belajar mengenai bangun datar. Murid-murid menjadi komunikator ketika menjelaskan bangun-bangun yang di dapatnya. suatu hal yang menyenangkan bagi saya melihat anak-anak begitu senang melakukannya. Pada Jam 14:10, saya mengikuti kegiatan 'assembly'. Di sini saya berbagi informasi mengenai Sekolah Global Jaya dengan murid-murid prep sampai dengan year 4 dengan memperlihatkan 'slide' yang saya buat bersama Joni di Jakarta sebelum kami berangkat. anak-anak terlihat antusias dengan mengangkat tangannya untuk bertanya. Karena keterbatasan waktu saya memilih pertanyaan dari 3 siswa yang berbeda. Murid-murid juga menyanyikan 3 buah lagu Australia yang terkenal untuk menghibur saya. Saya merasa terharu. Setelah 'assembly selesai saya pergi ke kampus Cornish untuk melakukan hal yang sama. Saya sangat senang melakukannya. Namun kali ini saya melakukannya bersama Joni pada saat rapat para guru. Ketika saya sampai di sana saya kagum melihat kampusnya. kampusnya terlihat unik dan menarik, kelihatan seperti lahan pertanian. Saya melihat biri-biri, ayam dan padang rumput. Gedung sekolah terlihat nyaman seperti rumah. Satu hal yang membuatnya semakin menarik yaitu kelas 3 dan 4 berada di ruangan yang sama tanpa pembatas ruangan. Menarik dan unik ya?
Sekolah Global Jaya


At Monday, November 21, 2005, Blogger Sekolah Global Jaya said...

Hi there Pak Joni and Ibu Juni,

Wow sounds like you are both being treated like ROCK STARS!!

Pak James has the flu this week. I am sure he is sick because his Year 2 co-teacher is away having too much fun in Australia!!

School life is very busy here - all the teachers are also very busy writing reports and preparing portfolios!!

Can't wait to see you both when you get back!

Have you hit the $2 shops yet??

Take care,
Ibu Allison
PYP Coordinator - SGJ

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: Pak Joni and Ibu Juni,

Hello..there, Seems that both of you have seen so many interesting activities during your visiting..It must be so interesting sharing different ideas and getting new ideas for our school to be shared.
Pak Joni, hope you get back soon...I believe that Ibu Rina still survive with your kids in your class and don't forget that the report is still waiting for you to be done in Jakarta...
come back soon and tell us about your experience in Aussie.

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a fun time you had pak.Joni and ibu.Juni.I hope I can go there too.

From:Radika 4H

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool ilove camping but not realy.Do they like bunjyjump?Is Jarred OK?Jarred.W.?I tell abouthim because I gave him a letter a cool letter.your achool is lucky because in SGJ we never camp!Sometimes me and jarred.W. can
camp at Australia

from Alex 4h jarreds buddy

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo ibu Juni dan pak Joni
apa kabar?baik-baik aja kan?sehat apa nggak?sekarang ibu dan pak Joni lagi ngapain?pak Joni dan bu Juni,aku sudah melihat di leptop ibu Anne kalau ibu Juni dan pak Joni lagi menaiki motor.Ibu aku juga melihat di leptop ibu Anne kalau anak-anak di sana memakai baju Jawa,ibu ibu ketemu tidak dengan panpals yang mengirim surat kepada kami.Pertama kami yang mengirim surat untuk mereka,lalu tak terasa kalau mereka balas surat kami.Karena waktu itu kami UOI nya tentang:send me a message.Seru lho!waktu kami belajar itu. Terima kasih.Sudah dulu yah!
year:4H(ibu Hety).

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We sent letters to our panpals in Saint Leonards in Australia.Did you met them and did you met a student named Luke .T. in year 4.Well bye for now.

From:Radika too. 4H

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ibu di kota sana bagus tidak bu?
Ibu ke sydney tidak?
Ibu berapa lama di Australia?
Kapan ibu kembali lagi?
Ibu senang tidak di sana?


At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a interesting camp,Pak joni and Ibu Joni. I wish i can go to there and have a good time with everyone and try that archery. We sent a message to our pen pal in Australia, but i got no reply. maybe because the letters. My pen pal are Luke year 4. What are your class unit of inquiry, Ibu Juni and Pak Joni. Is it good town on there?

By Ben 4H

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are there 3 teacher in each class ?

do they have music room ?

do they have art room ?

do they have IT room ?

is the canteen food good ?

is the shared area big ?

how many students are in each class ?

is the school big ?

Does the school have a gym ?

what is the unit title in year 4 ?

where do you sleep at night ?

how is their school ?

Can the children in melbourn speak in indonesian langage ?

From:Axel 4H

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From:Seung Baek 4H.

Apa kabar Ibu Juni dan Pak Joni.
Bagaimana murid murid di sana?
Apakah ada yang nakal juga?
Apakah ada yang dari Korea sama seperti saya?
Apa yang mereka pelajari di sekolah itu?
di sekolah SGJ kan belajar BI (bahasa indonesia).
Di situ ada yang bisa bahasa Indonesia yang lancar tidak?
Di sekolah itu ada yang jago bermain sepak bola tidak?
Ibu Juni dan Pak Joni berangkat sekolah jam berapa dan mulai sekolahnya jam berapa?
Murid muridnya pintar tidak?
Ibu suka sekolah itu tidak?
Di situ ada lapangan yang luas tidak?
Di situ ada tempat olah raga tidak?
Ada berapa murid di satu kelas?
Di situ belajar olah raganya apa dan olah raga faforitnya apa atau permainan dan main faforit di kelas Ibu Joni apa?
Di sekolah itu ada pertandingan sepak bola tidak?
pelajaran sciencenya apa?
Unit di year 4 sedang belajar apa?
Mereaka juga belajar tentang cahaya,surat atau perasaan tidak?
Kebanyakan suka belajar apa?
apa saja pelajaran yang di situ yang tidak ada di sekolah kita atau pelajaran yang tidak ada di sekolah kita tidak?
Mereka juga harus memakai sepatu hitam tidak?
Apakah makanan di kantin enak?
Apakah makanan kantin lebih mahal kepada di kantin sekolah kita?
makanan faforit mereka di kantin apa?
minuman di kantin apa saja?
Di situ ada aturan baru tidak yang kita tidak kita punya?
kapan saja mereka libur?
Apakah mereka masuk hari Sabtu?
Mereka punya Tempat komputer nggak di sekolahnya?
Ibu senang tidak sekolah di sana?
Terimakasih Ibu Juni dan Pak Joni
sudah bersedia membaca komentar saya.Semoga bapak dan Ibu pulang dengan sehat dan selamat.

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, how are you ibu Juni and pak Joni. you are reading from your student Elin in grade 4H.

how are you b.Juni and P.Joni. if me just fine thx. ( NoRmAl..>>>) is there something special doing in Melbourne? i would love to know..!! was it scary in camp b.juni p.joni? what are you up to write now? was it fun and scary when you tried the atlasphere?? anyways did you go on the atlas phere b.juni p. joni?? when are you going back to jakarta?? was it fun in melbourne p.joni b.juni????? was there any favorit e food or restaurants?? can you tell me what are the year 4 in melbourne what they are learning by now?? did you by any souveniers. did you get to meet nwew friends in melbourne?? who was the names? what did you eat in melbourne? year 4 in jakarta now is learning about "FEELINGS" we had fun. was the students in melbourne ? were they all fun and cheerful or normal or just maybe kind of naughty?? hahaha!! did p.joni and b.juni recieved alot of message from your students in sekolah global jaya?? i do think soo...! i hope b.juni p.joni cames back soon ok. please reply very soon ok...! bye for now...Elin your student in grade 4H!

Elin in grade 4H.

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear ibu juni
i'm salsa from year 4h
do you have interesting time in Australia ?
are they creative student?
bye bye

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Pak Joni...

I'm Nadhira 6Y
Are the students there kind???
When are you going home (to Indonesia)?

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Ibu juni,Pak Joni....
I'n happy that you land there
(to Australia)( my dad's home town)
, safely...
it's actualy nice to see Australian children studying over there.I was actualy hoping you would go to the secondery building(JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL)!!...
I would like to ask...
in what country are you two magnificent teachers in?????.....
Australia:Brisbane,Sydney,Melbourn or what????...... (I said that in a nice way) write often bey.....

by: Sheryl

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Ibu juni,Pak Joni....
I'n happy that you land there
(to Australia)( my dad's home town)
, safely...
it's actualy nice to see Australian children studying over there.I was actualy hoping you would go to the secondery building(JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL)!!...
I would like to ask...
in what country are you two magnificent teachers in?????.....
Australia:Brisbane,Sydney,Melbourn or what????...... (I said that in a nice way) write often bey.....

by: Sheryl

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wahh... enak sekali bisa pergi ke sana dan mengunjungi sekolah-sekolah yang ada di sana! Sepertinya menyenangkan sekali!
Kita jadi bisa melihat fasilitas sekolah yang ada di sana, mencoba hal yang baru dan bertemu teman-teman baru dari luar. Menyenangkan sekali! It's a great camp Ibu Juni and Pak Joni!!
Enjoy your time in there!

--cindy 6Y--^^

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am very exited
very exited
why are u there
what are u doing
is it fun
is it miserable
i am miserable
i wish i could go

is the place cool
please reply........

from a very misterious anonymus from year 6.......

by the way, what food did u eat?....
see u.........

from your dear student

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi p. Joni

I am Serena from 6Y. So did you have fun their? Did you like it there? Did you find teachers from Indonesia? The camp looks fun... why can't we have it in school? How is Australia? nice?

~Serena 6Y~

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi pak joni dan dan bu juni wah liburannya menyenangkan sekali saya timothy murid baru dikelas 6y.
Andaikan saya berada di sana saya pasti akan sangat senang karna saya sangat suka dengan panah dan saya bisa menembak panah.
saya juga pasti senang karena ada ayunan dan saya suka main ayunan.
tetapi sayang sekali saya murid baru disini maka dari itu saya tidak bisa ikut.

Timothy harrington bourne

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! It was really interesting! I'd love to go to Melbourne and learn about the schools there. You must have had lots of fun!I've never been to Melbourne before. I wonder what the weather is like there. Mmm...Kebab for lunch? You must have had a really exciting experience ! Byhte way,I LOVE KEBAB!


At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello p.joni and i.juni...

your trip to australia must be very exciting...
i have also seen the penguins in philip island..
I wish i could have also joined the camp because there are a lot of activities there...
did you have a good time there???im sure you did..XD..
it must have been very fun for you both to go there and hang with the australians there..
how were the australians reaction to you when you went there??
your journal was very interesting to read i think it had great detail and very exciting to read...
i was very excited when i read the journal..

well thats from me...good luck and have a happy new year....

See you both at schoo...

-Matthew Muliadi-

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it was a good adventure for Ibu Juni n pak Joni when they went to Australia... =] =) => Pak Joni's n Ibu Juni's adventure was unique. Going to school 2 c the studentz how they behave n have an adventure together...=) [unique]... What a happy day... I, mean, what a happy trip n what a fun adventure.. I want 2 say congrats to you two coz u have a very cool adventure/trip... by the way, congratz to u two n have nice day/trip/adventure.. [wadever]... I hope u can have a very good trip have a nice day n do'nt forget to send e-mail to our school... When u come back, don't forget to give us some stuffz... juzt kidding!!!

i guezz these r my 2 bz..
bye bye!Ciao!

xoxoxoxoxoxo... hahahahahaha...
Loadz[lotz] congratz for u 2 vrom a girl named nadya in year 6...

P.S. Don't forget to send me stuffz vrom there,, btw, JUZT KIDDING...

xoxoxoxoxoxo... hahahahahaha...

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Halo Pak Joni dan Ibu Juni

Pantes aja sekarang jarang liat !
Sehat - sehat saja kan ?
Tripnya pasti menyenangkan ya ! Tapi melelehkan juga sih..
Saya juga ingin ke Australia
Itu negara yang menyenangkan.

Tulisan - tulisn yang Ibu Juni dan Pak Joni tulis itu sudah menggambarkan apa saja aktifitas - aktifitas kalian !

Nah... udah dulu ya
Hati - hati ya!!

Marcel 6Y

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello pak.joni and bu.juni

your trip seems fun...
did you have a good time there?..i bet you do..
i haven't been to australia, well not yet!
are the australians nice? i bet they are!
were they excited to see you?
your journal was very long but it seems exciting! i was interested to read it!
what did you eat there?? was it good??
well thats all from me! see you in school...

-faiz naufaldo- 6_y

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haloooo..... Pak Joni dan Bu Juni apa kabar???? Namaku Naresh kelas 6Y? Sepertinya bersekolah di sana sangat menyenangkan ya!!! Seandainya murid juga bisa dikirim ke sana.... Bu apakah sekolah mereka juga memakai kurikulum yang sama seperti kita???? Apa persamaan dan apa perbedaannya? Apa aturan mereka juga hampir sama seperti kita????? Apakah mereka memakai seragam atau baju biasa. Apakah ada asrama di sekolah tersebut???? Apa pelajaran mereka lebih banyak dari kita???? Kapan mereka masuk dan pulang??? Apakah mereka lebih mandiri dan open-minded???? Bila mereka melakukan Field Trip berapa kali dalam setahun??? Di sana mereka belajar kebudayaan dan Bahasa Indonesia tidak??? Sekian pertanyaan saya terima kasih sudah mau membaca. Maaf bila pertanyaannya terlalu banyak. Terima kasih atas jawabannya. Seamoga bapak dan Ibu pulang dengan selamat.

-NaResH 6Y-

At Monday, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Pak Joni & Ibu are you now?...anyways i want to ask somethings that hopeyou will was your trip to the school...did u guys make any friends or anything like that?...was is it fun? wasit great? was the school better than SGJ????????...

anyways this is Javier...bye2 ^^

At Tuesday, November 22, 2005, Blogger Sekolah Global Jaya said...

Dear Pak Juni and Pak Joni,

Wow you are SUPER STARS!! So MANY COMMENTS TO READ... the students have been asking a lot about why you are we just have to get more staff involved in the blog...don't worry I have been asking them to become involved - WELL DONE Ibu Hety for adding a comment....she is a RISKTAKER!!

Ibu Juni, hope you are ready for to go to Aceh??

Take care,

Ibu Allison
PYP Coordinator
Year 4 teacher

At Tuesday, November 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hayy Pak Joni and Bu Juni..
how are u?
your trip seems fun..
are the australian nice???
i bet they do ...
BTW, do they have the same curriculum with us??
When you're gone, Ibu Rina let us do free time.. YAY !!!!!
okeyy ,,, that's all from me,,
I hope you enjoy your trip .. gotta go now .. bye !!!!! XP..


At Tuesday, November 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Pak Joni!!!
Hi Ibu Juni!!!
Im Marchella 6J x)
I am really interested in your trip! x) x)
Btw, is it nice shopping in there??
If yes, im soo going there ;) ;)
Do you enjoy staying in there??

At Tuesday, November 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow your trips sound like fun!
*How were those students going
*What were one of the students names?
They seem nice,
I was wondering what you might
brig back,
Not much to say but,
Go and have a great time!
Hope you had 100% fun!

Jacinta 6J

At Tuesday, November 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ibu Juni & Pak Joni,
1 day left to home, so you guys better spend the rest of your time out there, take all the fun you can get. dont want to break the mood, but report job will say hello to you guys by the moment you come back. :)

have fun,

Agas Year 4 H

At Tuesday, November 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hai, sorry baru sempat kontak. Kita-kita kangen nich. Tak terasa sudah lewat dari seminggu. Kelas kita jadi kebun binatang hewan2 kecil lho.. ada yang bawa tarantula hidup! Senangnya membaca tentang pengalaman2mu di sana. Sampai jumpa........
Salam Hangat

At Tuesday, November 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wah-wah emang tidak salah pak, kita tlah mealakukan tukar menukar tenaga pendidik guna saling berbagi pengalaman. melihat komentar bapak dan ibu " J&J" yah...lebih akrab kan kalau kita panggil begitu, saya sangat tertarik untuk pergi kesana, terutama itu lho yang di campus Cornish dimana suasana pembelajaran yang dilakukan dilahan pertanian, perkebunan yang sangat luas sehingga dalam bayanganku betapa menariknya kegiatan belajar menggajar disana, karena kita bisa langsung berpraktek beternak, bertani dan berkebun. tolong deh "J&J, numpang tanyakan kepada rekan guru daisana seberapa besar siswa di Cornish school dapat memanfaatkan lahan yang ada sebagai pusat penelitihan, adakah siswa juga dilibatkan ikut memelihara hewan misalnya sedari kecil sampai besar beserta cara perawatannya?
Sorry, kalau agak ngelantur, karena saya adalah salah satu penggemar binatang, he...he...he.... ok! salam tuk semua.

Tuharto year 5T

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